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Medical Malpractice and Professional Liability

Physicians, hospitals, psychologists, other allied healthcare professionals, and long term care facilities are defended by Starr, Begin & King against claims of medical negligence. Members of the firm understand the complexity of standard of care and medical causation issues.

Additionally, the firm is available to protect the professional reputation of veterinarians, engineers, architects, lawyers, and accountants in professional liability claims. Attorneys

also assist professionals prior to litigation in the form of alternative dispute resolution or regulatory board hearings.

About Starr, Begin, & King.

Our boutique litigation firm is dedicated to the practice of law and to developing lasting relationships with those we have the privilege to represent. With determination to achieve the best possible result, STARR BEGIN & KING PLLC focuses on keeping our clients, whether individuals or multinational corporations, informed and connected. STARR, BEGIN & KING PLLC is proud to represent our clients and honored by their repeat business.

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