We know that defamation suits, while not common, do occur from time to time. Our attorneys have the experience to appropriately handle these types of cases. Defamation cases can involve specific issues, such as the “truth” of the statement, defenses related to the public figure status of a Plaintiff, and defenses to the alleged damages being claimed. Our attorneys will identify the appropriate issues and defenses and use our litigation experience to aggressively represent our clients on these claims made against individuals or organizations.
About Starr, Begin, & King.
Our boutique litigation firm is dedicated to the practice of law and to developing lasting relationships with those we have the privilege to represent. With determination to achieve the best possible result, STARR BEGIN & KING PLLC focuses on keeping our clients, whether individuals or multinational corporations, informed and connected. STARR, BEGIN & KING PLLC is proud to represent our clients and honored by their repeat business.