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Construction Law

Experienced construction attorneys at Starr, Begin & King litigate a wide variety of construction disputes, including but not limited to:

  • Construction defects

  • Contract disputes

  • Design disputes

  • Faulty products

  • Indemnity claims

  • Mechanic’s liens

  • Negligence claims against contractors

  • Public schools

  • Workmanship issues

The firm has defended contractors across Oklahoma in construction disputes arising from highway systems, grain elevators, university football stadiums, hospitals, casinos, apartments, hotels, commercial buildings, and residential homes.

Attorneys are familiar with the International Building Codes and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTDC) to properly assess liability and

represent clients. Many disputes are resolved prior to litigation. When litigation is unavoidable, members of the firm strive to verify that all potential litigants are identified for an equitable distribution of liability.

About Starr, Begin, & King.

Our boutique litigation firm is dedicated to the practice of law and to developing lasting relationships with those we have the privilege to represent. With determination to achieve the best possible result, STARR BEGIN & KING PLLC focuses on keeping our clients, whether individuals or multinational corporations, informed and connected. STARR, BEGIN & KING PLLC is proud to represent our clients and honored by their repeat business.

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